Monday 31 May 2010

Thank God for subtitles

Okay, so picture the scene....
I am sitting on the sofa, all comfy, watching a programme, not on record, and not on SkyPlus where it can be paused or re-wound.
My middle son and baby are fast asleep.
J is still awake, but doodling about between his bedroom and the landing.
The programme I am watching is getting really interesting.
The main character is involved in the pivotal scene which defines the whole show and is delivering a speech with huge intensity and detail and requires the viewer to listen intently, not sipping the hot tea sitting alongside the ready to eat Hobnobs on the small plate next to them, as quiteness is needed to absorb this monologue.
The sentence I am listening to is almost at an end when out of nowhere comes "AHEEHEEHEEMANAMANAHEE" and I miss what was said on the telly.
He has this knack of interupting during a crucial moment in telly programmes. How quite he knows when to do it is a mystery, but suffice to say he always does it at the point where you need to know what was said.
That is why I have the subtitles setting on permanently. That way I have already read what the character is about to say. And I don't miss out.
That said, if it's a live programme the subtitles can be very annoying - way behind the speech and laughably wrong in parts.
It makes a good argument to get the pause and rewind function on my Sky box though.