Friday, 2 April 2010

Well so far

..with the new meds I am giving him all I can say so far is that he has become quite hyper. Not a good thing!

I am being optimistic however as he has not been at school for a week and I kind of think that has an impact on his behaviour as he has not been able to exercise his mind and body as much as usual.

Unfortunately for all of us, we have another two weeks of no school, thanks to the Easter holiday.

He now takes all his meds with ease - thankfully.

When I describe him as 'hyper' I mean that he giggles and laughs continuously at nothing in particular. These giggles and laughs are not endearing though as they go on for up to twenty minutes at a time and upset his middle brother (who thinks he is laughing at him). They are very loud and are not abated by any direction away from it.
Of the few words that he can use, and use with meaning and understanding of what he is saying, he reels them off with non-stop passion.
"Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny,Granny" and times this by one hundred and you may see why my head is hurting.
He does not stop saying it either, no matter what you try. I repeat it to him, as sometimes he needs you to repeat what he has said to satisfy him, but it does not work.

He has also broken the rocking chair of which I have had since he was a baby. Sentimental values aside, it is also monetary, and he costs us a lot in the damages he causes. I know he is not malicious in his actions, but it is hard to have a child who is not able to comprehend the results of his actions, and who you cannot reprimand, as he doesn't understand. It is getting harder as his middle brother is at an age where he understands that what he does or says can have a negative outcome.