Saturday 15 May 2010


As I have explained before, J has limited speech and language.
For over a year he would say "basheelishee" every day or so, and I could never work out what he was trying to say.

One day we were watching Bear in the Big Blue House on DVD and the episode was about Doc Hog visiting Bears house to see all his friends,Tutter,Pip and Pop, Ojo and Treelo ( I know you don't need to know their names, but hey ho!) to give them a health check.
One of the things Doc Hog had to do was give them their vaccinations and J immeadiately said "basheelishee" and so finally I twigged he meant the word 'vaccination'. The look on his face when I repeated it back to him was priceless.

There are many more words like this, some of which I still am in the dark over, two for which I have no idea about what he means, but the way he pronounces them is very embarrasing.
The first word he says is "ahorneehouse" which is mortyfying when he yells it out randomly in public, and has no reference to our house whatsoever!
The second word is "aborsha". Again, this word has never been uttered in front of him, with him nearby, never. I have no idea what he is meaning, but to others it sounds so like 'abortion' that it embarrasses me to the point of shame, which I should'nt feel, but as it sounds so like it, I get worried people cast bad opinions over us.

*I am editing this as I have just heard another word he uses and thought I'd add it here.....
He says "bitch" for beach. It is a more drawn out "biiiitch" but it sounds so like it that at first I thought that was what he was saying. But I now know it is beach he means, and it is a word he enjoys saying, over and over again, whether in public or private!*

Now, nursery rhymes are another source of fun. Not matter how many times I repeat the song to him, he always sings it his way.
The latest is this -
"Marys Marys like a cherry,a cockelshell a huh a huh". That full sentence is for Mary Mary Quite Contrary rhyme, but he refuses to sing the full and proper version.