Sunday 18 July 2010

Out in the park

J loves the outdoors. He can wander around forests without getting bored.
Parks and playgrounds also hold fun for him.
We went kite flying today.
I had to sit back in the car as little baby W needed a feed, so I had a good view of the park and the people milling about.
J was out there with his dad and O. O and their dad were flying the kite, and the dogs were having a good run. I scanned the scene for J. Where was J? Had he headed into the wooded area away from view? He wasn't in the playground area.
Then I spotted him.
He was holding a 500ml bottle of diet cola, and was rolling along the grass.
There was no hill, but he was rolling along and along and along as if there was.
The bottle of cola was held aloft by one arm whilst he performed his acrobatic skill.
He was called back over by his dad and for a while stayed close.
Then his wandering need took hold again, and he was off.
I saw a family had arrived and unloaded a pink girls bike, a dog (lovely boxer who looked very pregnant) and a daughter.
J was beelining for them.
They were ambling along happily when they got an additional companion who tagged one pace behind them.
They realised they had a follower and turned and smiled at him, and I think they said something, but as per J he didn't respond and you could see the quizzical expression on their faces.
He continued to follow them, and as his dad was enthralled by the kite now flying high in the sky, I knew I had to take action.
So baby on boob, I got out of the car and called him.
I called a little louder.
I moved forward, aware of the offence I could cause others by feeding my baby, unlatched, covered up and picked up a swift half run half funny fast walk , still calling him back.
He soon heard me and diverted his steps away from them and back towards his dad.
I never caught up with them to explain, so they will never know why they had a follower.

Back in the car to finish the feed, and J and O are in the playground bit.
There are two teens sitting on the only two swings. They have their music playing and are swigging from some sort of caffeine/sugar concoction fizzy drink.
O is climbing the spider frame, and J is standing by the swings staring at the teens.
The teens say something and he ignores.
They look a bit freaked out by him still standing there.
I intervene yet again ( their father is having a whale of the time with the kite, meant for the children). I ask them politely if he can have a go on the swing and they both hop off, but still stand very close.
J swings back and forth, shouting his favourite phrases out, and the teens are thinking what a little madman I have on my hands. But he's having fun, so I don't care!

The dogs had fun sniffing a very willing little hussy of a female dog, with a pink diamante collar. My dogs choose an end and sniff, then swap. She enjoys it as she is wagging her little tail.

So all in all everyone had a good morning out, apart from J's t-shirt which has grass stains and mud over it.