Monday 23 August 2010

Little jobs

Even though J has little awareness and understanding, I have recently started to encourage him to do little jobs round the house for me.
Very basic things, but they are helpful to me and it also shows his middle brother O that helping is expected within a family.
For example I will ask him to put his clothes away in the blue basket. This is my laundry basket. He always puts his clothes and socks in here when he changes. I ask him to bring the whole basket down to me as well so I can put the washing on in the machine.
Another job is closing the upstairs doors shut when we all go out. This is because the dogs are little monkeys and will go into the bedrooms or upstairs bathroom and ransack it in anyway they can.
He gets me plates and cups out when I am making dinner and he collects them up to put in the dishwasher when he's finished.
I find this also gives us positive interaction together, with praise and reward giving him a confidence boost.