Sunday 5 September 2010

More than ASD

It seems that as we have a diagnosis of autism we should now slink away, happy we have labelled our child, and not search out anything further that he may have.
I am aware that even getting a diagnosis of autism is a step more than a lot of parents out there get, who are left waiting around, being held up by red tape, all the while their child struggles at the main stream school with little or no extra support from a LSA and no help and guidance from any figure of support and guidance.

I have wondered for a while as to whether J has ADHD.
Could he just have an over active autism trait that makes him scream and scream, run around like he has taken some magic yellow hyper pills, then laugh maniacally and then repeat several times an hour?

I have learnt that a lot of auty children have poor sleep patterns and disturbed nights, but every night? Sleep finally around 11pm and then awake at 1pm, restless, back to sleep until around 4am and then up for the day. Does he keep quiet and play in his room at this hour of the night/morning? Heck no!
He runs back and forth along the landing, open his bedroom door, slam said door, run along (or rather thump along as he is very heavy footed) go into family bathroom, slam that door, run taps, fill up the sink/ any recepticle that can retain liquid, smash and bash objects into the filled up sink, laugh out loud, squeal, make "ooga ooga" noises, open bathroom door, thud along landing, open bedroom door, slam bedroom door, bounce on bed, scream, laugh, yell out various phrases from the Fimbles or Bear, laugh some more and then repeat all of the above for the next 3 hours, waking everybody up.

But does he have sleep issues? Not according to the paediatrician.

When I went to see my GP I mentioned I'd like to have an appointment with the local paediatician to discuss the possibility of ADHD. I was told that there is nothing more that can be done, J has his ASD diagnosis and that is all that is needed.

So I continue to wonder and self diagnose and cope with the behaviours.
Is'nt that what all us mums of special needs children do?

Then I wonder if getting someone to agree with me and confirm their opinion he does also have ADHD will be of any benefit. It won't change anything. It won't suddenly mean we move up waiting lists for appointments with clinics and specialists, it just means he has another label.