Friday 22 April 2011

Oh I do love to be beside the seaside

Down by the seaside. A place children love. Splashing in the water. Throwing stones into the waves or building castles in the sand. Eating ice creams that begin dripping the minute they are served. Listenting to the squeals and excited screams from the thrilled and enchanted children.The smell of suntan lotion and wilting cheese sandwiches.
It is a place J loves. If it were possible he would spend all days splashing in the water. He won't go in past his thighs but that is all he needs to have fun. Throwing stones into the small ripples of the waves that lap in around his feet.
I can just sit on a blanket and watch him at play. He looks round every so often to check I am still there.
The only time he needs a break is when he has to go to the toilet or he wants another ice cream.
Yesterday he obviously got the urge for a toilet break and instantly pulled the top of his shorts down revealing his bits. I thankfully was watching and called him over. I'm not sure who saw but I stopped him swiftly and took him up to the toilets.
And to change the subject slightly, the seagulls around here in Hastings are massive. Enormous even. They are like regular seagulls on protein shakes. I thought the first one I saw was a plastic model (it was on a roof) but it flew off, probably to go and catch a whale or something.
They strut around in pairs, kicking stones and eyeing you up for potential food. They are also camera shy as everytime I try to capture them they turn and flee. I will keep on trying though just to prove their gigantic size.

This Easter holiday has been made fanstastic by the glorious weather. Pure sunshine all day. Usually school holidays mean stress and tension but apart from the sleep issues with J and his hyperactive nature it has flown by with much joy and relaxation.