Saturday 18 June 2011

An MP with another stupid idea!

Every now and then something or someone comes along and opens their mouth, spilling out their carefully thought out words, and makes the world wonder how they ever thought their diatribe was ever going to be acceptable.
The latest person (who holds a position of power) is Philip Davies, a Conservative MP. That will be the same Conservatives that are cutting many resources and funding to disadvantaged and disabled people already (and countless other cuts to the rest of the country's hard working people) and who are mainly educated at Eton et al (meaning they come from money and have never experienced hardship - unless you count the day the gardener didn't trim the hedge and spoilt their view from the oak lined library in the west wing of mummy and daddy's palatial mansion).
There is a link here for you to follow so you can read in full his statement, and the reply from Dame Anne Begg , who chairs the Work and Pensions Select Committee.

To surmise, this MP has this  extraordinary idea that disabled people are beneath the rest of society. Why else would he suggest they should work for a wage which is below the national minimum wage?
The suggestion that he has any idea of the foundation of his belief stems from him saying 'he had spoken to people with mental health problems during a visit to the charity Mind and found they were "quite accepting" of the fact they would be overlooked.'
'Quite accepting'. Did they actually say they would be happy to be employed for a pittance and lack of respect? I don't think so.
This link is a direct response from Mind in regards to his comments attributed to his visit -
He goes on to explain that in society if a person with a disability goes up for the same position as an able bodied /  neuro typical person, that they will be over looked for the person minus a disability.

Herein lies the problem and the problem is only being exacerbated by Mr Davies by suggesting that employers can now offer the same job to a disabled person and save themselves some money in the process.
If we are ever to have an even balance in this country, and indeed this world, then this out dated notion of thought needs to be replaced with common sense (something that  this MP does not seem to have) and a modicum of decency.

It is amazing that he is so committed in his belief that he has solved the problem of disabled people on benefits and struggling companies that need to draw in the purse strings.
Here's an idea Mr Davies - why don't you work for less than the minimum wage? There are plenty of manual jobs out there for you. You could work ten hours a day plucking chickens on a factory line and be paid a handsome sum of £3.00 per hour. That is £30 per day gross! Wow! Pop the Krug corks now and celebrate eh? And hey, look at the bright will always have chicken to eat on the table at home.. Plus the chicken factory owner will be happy he can pay you less than the person standing next to you, doing exactly the same job, the same hours, and the same level of output. Oh and of course whilst you are working there you are not sitting in your office thinking up ridiculous and deeply offensive ideas that will try to put all the hard work and effort of all those that champion disabled people back ten years.
Win win all around I do believe.

Click here to see more from this man and his way with words...