Saturday 23 July 2011


Is'nt it ironic (don't you think ) that we wait months and even years until we get an appointment for so and so specialist for which we really really need to see, but the appointment that we did'nt really want, and can not really utilise comes through in days!
J has awfully flat feet like myself. So bad that the knees and hips are affected and it makes walking painful, running a farce (I look like a duck when I run, but with less grace) and cramps in the fallen arch.
The paediatrician had said she may refer us to podiatry, but I said it would'nt be much help as he would'nt sit still for longer than a milisecond and as I know full well you have to have casts taken of your feet, people wiggling your feet about, you have to walk up and down for them to see just how ungainly you are etcetera.

So what happens? I get a call from podiatry who say they have a cancellation that day and can I bring him in?
I very kindly explained why we could'nt make it :- School, no one to collect O from his school, an appointment slap bang in the middle of all the others, a baby in tow, a non verbal, scared and loud child.

I think regular readers of this blog will be able to understand fully just what J would be like in the middle of a waiting room, full of strangers, waiting about, not understanding what is going to happen, stressing out, shouting, head banging, screaming, laughing wildly in peoples faces, hitting me, and then finally when we get seen he runs for the doors, yelling, kicking, screaming and panicking that he is going to have some dreadful procedure implemented upon himself.
"Oh" is her reply. "Shall I just cancel it altogether then?"
"Yes please" I said.

I will just have to help him as best I can. I am sure some would say I should force him to sit and go through with it all, but have a look further down the blog where I talk about blood tests and then tell me it is fair for him to endure such encompassing panic and fear and still gain nothing from it.

And then by way of miracles I get an appointment through for the occupational therapist!!
Only seeing as we have been 'at the top of the waiting list' for what is it now, two years (?) it was a shock.

And then bam I look at the date they have given. Right in the middle of our holiday! How flipping surprising.

So I telephone. And the person I am seeing is on holiday until the day before she is due to see us.
What am I to do?
I telephone back. I speak to someone who seems more keen on being unhelpful than helpful. I explain I do not want to go back onto the waiting list as it is not fair to be given an appointment in the summer holidays as it is known a lot of people go away at this time. Finally after wading through this womans almost horizontal work ethic I get given an appointment for when school is back. I felt as if I had swam through treacle in getting that sorted.

So we have an appointment. I wonder if it will be worth it and a valuable asset after all this time and prolonged wait? You know you will be reading about it here at some point in the future, so watch this (blog) space.