Saturday 26 November 2011

Unwanted hand gestures

J has a very funny little habit that causes me to worry.
He sits in the very back of my car - I have a 7 seater.
When I am driving I have noticed he hand flaps a bit, arm wiggles and generally looks as if he is doing rude 'signs' to other drivers!
I am now on alert and constantly telling him to put his arms down.
Tha last thing I need is some testosterone fuelled road rager thinking my car is annoyed with him/her and takes it upon themselves to turn on me.
A lot of people will realise it is not an adult sitting there and may pass it off without much thought or care, but I have witnessed a child of about 4 giving one of the more popular hand signals in this country (make a kind of fist and move left to right) to a motor bike rider who dared to be in the way of this 4 years old fathers white van that almost hit him as he pulled out of a side road in front of him. The bike rider was narrowly missed by the careless van driver, but instead of the van driver apologising, his 4 year old gives the hand gesture! And to top it off, the front of the van had a female passenger and two other children in it, all with no seatbelts on and the 4 year old almost hit his head on the dashboard! The slang term 'chav' sums up that van and it's occupiers quite well really!