Friday 25 November 2011

Catching up

It has been a while since I blogged, but I have been ill after an operation and have felt very low and tired. Caring for the children and trying to get through the pain have been my main priority.

I have found out that I can get my own GP to refer for an ADHD assessment. Whether that will be anytime in the next 5 years who knows, but at least I am in control of something, and not just having no choice but to leave it all to others, hoping they get a hurry on and sort it for me.

The melatonin is still working its magic.
I still keep the dosage on the low side as I don't feel he needs the full 6ml prescribed.
He has taken to sleeping back on the top of the stairs again. Curled up and sleeping away.

Head banging is still in full force. "Banginy head" is what he says now just before he does it and then "no banginy head" after. Or "you're welcome". Learned phrases.

He drew this picture the other week. I did'nt take much notice of the detail until someone pointed out the tears on the faces. It was then I realised the "sad face" noises J had been doing ( full on boo hoo hoo crying -very dramatic but just that, drama. He was doing it for fun.) were being copied into drawings by him. I think he has been learning emotions at school hence all this "ahuh ahuh ahuh" noises and the put out bottom lip.