Sunday, 5 August 2012

Uh oh!

Oh dear. The wee monster has returned.
This time though, he has not limited it to the garden, oh no! It is everywhere.

He has used my metal, ornamental jugs to wee into.
He wee's on his bedroom floor.
He wee's in the bath tub.
He also marks his territory, very much like a dog would do, whenever we go out.
I have to be quick to catch him and stop him, as he just goes against any tree, bush, or structure.
It is never much, more a sprinkle. But a sprinkle every five minutes.

I keep him clean and fresh, as he has started to have that teenage boy smell about him. It's rather noticeable when you enter his bedroom, and the window is closed. It is like a wall of stale pubescent boy smell, smacking you in the face, knocking you back, and getting you running for fresh air, all within five seconds.

As he has no real understanding of personal care, I have to supervise him washing, and tell him how to do it. Despite doing this everyday, he still needs prompting.

We are a third of the way through the summer holiday, and it has been joyful so far. Having my three boys around me all day means we can do more trips out together, and we are having a ball.

I took him in a cliff lift (vernacular?) today, and he was extremely hesitant, agitated, and confused, but, he enjoyed it in the end, and ran into it on our return journey down again. This is the tallest one in Britain apparently, so he was very brave - as was I, as I have a huge phobia of heights!