Monday, 18 March 2013

Wonky pictures!

Upon visiting my house, you might become aware that every picture, photo, and mirrors that are hanging on the wall, are lopsided. Only just off centre, but enough to be noticable.
For a good year I did'nt click on to why. I would dust them, re-position, and think no more about it, until the next week's dusting.
One day, sitting in the armchair pondering about some or other worry, my eyes focused on the two large pictures hanging on one of the walls. I realised they were both leaning the same way. Looking at the mirror on the other wall, and the photos on the other, they all leaned to one side.
I had a walk around the house, viewing all the other pictures and mirrors, and they too were all off centre, all the same way.

I straightened them up.
The next day they were back to one side.
I straightened them up.
This went on for a while - I do have a lot of other things to think about and running a busy house, alone, it was'nt a major priority.

One day though, I finally saw the culprit.
We were not on a landslip, or in need of under pinning to the house. It was a 10 year old boy. My cheeky J.
I saw him walk past one of them that had been moved back to a central point, and he gently moved it off centre.
So now when people visit my house, I sometimes point out to them the little quirk of my decor.
I don't move them back as often now, and it's almost an accepted way to hang our pictures now!