Wednesday 26 June 2013

Another Drawing

This is a character from the BBC1 children's programme, The Fimbles. 
He is called Roly Mo. He's a mole that rolls, and reads stories.
J loves Roly Mo. He has a giant cuddly toy of him, that sits in his bedroom.

This is a picture J drew. He didn't finish the face as he was disturbed by another child making noises, and he didn't want to complete this picture.
He has such attention to detail. This drawing, as with all of his drawings, is made with just his imagination. He doesn't have a visual prompt of which to copy from.

With most of his creations, I am able to communicate with him on some level. A basic level, but it's something, and I encourage it. 
I ask him, and point, "who/what is that J?". He nearly always replies with an almost coherent answer. 
When asked what the above drawing was of, he replied "Roly Mo", immediately.
I just have to be quick with the camera, as he's a notorious paper shredder!