Thursday 31 October 2013

The Flu Injection Appointment

This morning was flu injection time.
I'd booked our appointments a few weeks ago, and had a plan in place, and my mum in attendance to help with what I predicted to be, a dramatic scene of screaming and panic from J.
J remember is the boy that panics if I drive near the doctors surgery, and says "goodbye doctor" over and over again.

I had made the appointment time as early morning, to get it out the way!

Upon driving into the car park, J got a little agitated, but he exited the car with no coercion needed.
Booking us in on the electronic machine, J went and sat down.
He was tapping his feet a little too noisily, but there was only one other person in the waiting room, and so I didn't make a fuss about it.

When we were called in to the nurse's room, J followed, with no problem.

I asked to go first, which turned out to be a great thing to do.
J watched as I took my cardigan off one arm, and rolled my sleeve up. I stood for the injection, and it was over in seconds.
J then automatically took his coat off, rolled his sleeve up, and sat in the chair.
The nurse did the jab, he made a small noise, more of an "oooo", but no screaming.

And that was it!
He put his coat on, and then watched as his youngest brother had a nasal flu spray squirted up his nostrils - this is the method they use for all two to three years olds in the UK.

We all walked out calmly, and my mum and I were in a small shock at the complete lack of anticipated drama.

What an amazing difference.
He really is growing up and maturing.
I've said before that he learns through trauma, and even if it is a good thing, if he hasn't done it before, he usually panics, but as soon as he experiences it, and sees for himself it is okay, he accepts it and doesn't stress any further.

I'm feeling incredibly pleased that it turned out so well. Over the moon in fact. Not a full moon though, as we all know full moons affect special children quite effectively, and plenty of neurotypical children and adults too. I'm not going a full round with a full moon!