Thursday, 1 May 2014

Steam is Coming Out of My Ears!

I wrote a blog post about a serious case of abuse that occurred at my Boy's place of  out of school hours, club, a while back.
Well late last year I discovered they had started using an old image of J, standing alongside the convicted paedophile, on their website!
Needless to say I contacted them and the image was removed within minutes of my making contact.
Today I receive a letter, asking me to update J's details with them, and that he was still classed a member of their group, despite me requesting all details be removed at the time the abuse came to light, around two years ago.
This is yet another slap in the face from them. It proves all my claims about the mishandling of the scandal, and the senior staff attitudes towards the parents and children that they purport to support.

 Sadly this world still views children and adults with learning difficulties as second class, and that it 'doesn't really matter' if abuse occurs towards them, as they don't understand anyway.
If that seems harsh, then I will also tell you that the senior manager of this place told a parent, during the height of this scandal, that she was not running a charity, but a business - funnily enough it IS a charity, seeing as they are registered as one, ask for donations, and make the claim on their website.

I still will not name this charity, as it is unfair to tar the national name, with the local subsidiary group that is run by them, and for whom I have had all these problems with.

I am cautious about charities that are on Facebook and Twitter, that claim to support autism. Did you know that even if a charity gets a registered charity number/status, it does not mean they have to donate all or even 50% of the donations they receive? There is one charity that I have become aware of on Facebook that only donates 5-10% of their annual received donations. I have witnessed their censoring of people's comments on this too.