Wednesday, 18 February 2015

My Boy's Picasso Cubism Style Art Work

J has a love of art. I've posted before drawings he has made using his Mega Sketcher, (links to these are at the end of this post). His artwork can be inspired from something he's watched on t.v, or something he's seen when out and about. 
A lot of his drawings can also be interpreted as having a deeper meaning, stemming from inside his head, where his is 'locked in' and is unable to express himself verbally.

At his school, they spent some time looking at the works of Picasso. They looked at his artwork over several lessons and were then given various art materials and allowed to create their own masterpieces. 
It was during a routine parents meeting at school, which was at the end of this art week, that the teacher produced his art work for me to view, which he had made from these Picasso sessions. I was gob smacked. They were amazing. Amazing to me as he had really taken in the form of Picasso's cubism style.

I only have colour copies of his work at the moment, as his work is being displayed in his school, so the photos below are the best quality I can show.

When I receive the original copies I am planning to frame them and display them in the house. I do have other art work my children have made, displayed around the house, as I want them to be proud of what they have created. 

A canine inspired cubist piece of art, created by J at his school.

A cubism style inspired person, produced by J at his school.

This drawing was made by my middle son, who is 8 years old. His teacher brought her gecko in for his class to see, and he drew this. I've framed it, and it hangs in our hall way.

Links to previous posts about J and his art work ;

New Drawings and Verbalising Them To Me
Storymaker Drawings and Attention To Detail
More Drawings and Update On Previous Post (this is an update on the first link in this list)
Another Amazing Drawing By My Boy
The Drawings of J
Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night