Thursday 24 June 2010

The Tories

Well, as voter, I feel I am able to complain and comment on all the governments shenanigans, and so I will.
I agree that something major had to be done to the economy to bring us back from the financial hole created over many years by selfish banks and the like.
However, it is sad that children and adults with disabilities are being shat over, yet again, by Mr Osborne,Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg.
I have a smidgen of hope that within the three years their new measures will be taking place, they section up those with life long disabilites against those with potential recoveries - such as depression,a bad back, a broken ankle etc.
I also hope that whichever group of smart arses come together to decide how the new ideals come into effect, they do not dismiss mentally disabled children and adults as being less disabled than a person confined to a wheelchair. Disabilities may be different, but they all do the same thing - impair the person afflicted with it.
Perhaps a genius on the panel will declare that once a child with a learning difficulty such as autism has been seen by the governements chosen Doctor, the need for re-assement is not required. Well not until a scientist comes up with a cure.
I find it quite patronising to be told my child has to be re-assessed. What for? In case he magically cures himself through the wonders of eating as many Jaffa Cakes as possible?

As J lives in J world he has no ability to say how he feels about what has been proposed.
As his mum, and his full time carer, I am his voice. I am his fighter. I am his championing, yelling, screaming, demanding mother who will not allow him to be bullied, side lined, or forgotten about. I may be chronically shy and scared of meeting people, but when it comes to J I will always be out there. Always be talking about him. Always be making sure he gets what he needs.