Friday 2 July 2010

Boing Boing

Trampolining is going fab. J loves it.
He won a 'golden coin' today for his trampolining skills and when he viewed the photographs sent back for me to keep, he kept on saying "twampoline boing boing".

On arrival of collecting him from the gym I can see for myself his love of bouncing.
I should'nt be surprised though as his matress is wearing away from the jumping up and down on it, and he used to love the mini trampoline (the kind for toddlers with the handle bar) we had, until it became too lopsided and had the foam outer bitten away (J and his pica).

We have talked about buying one of those big circular trampolines for the garden, but even with the safety netting I just would'nt feel it is safe for our family.
J escapes into the garden a lot, and even though I try to limit his access into it when I cannot supervise, he often finds where I have hidden the key (I have to hide it downstairs and close to the door in case of emergency) and lets himself out.
Lately he as been waking at 4.30am and not going back to sleep. He goes downstairs and potters about, and if there was a trampoline set up in the garden, I can only envisage the bouncing noises coming from the garden at this time of night (or morning however you look at it).
As J can get quite over excited I would be worried about him having an accident. And as we have experienced A&E with him already (and that is a whole other blog entry!) I am in no hurry to repeat that situation.

If money (and space) were no object I would have one of those rectangular trampolines dug into the ground. I would feel so much safer and it would'nt stick out as much. I would have to fashion a device to stop the dogs getting onto it though, as they used to sleep on the old toddler style one - ahhh that is how it got lopsided now I think about it!
I can picture the scene, the dogs fast asleep on the trampoline, J decides to have the bounce of his life, and I have two terrified labradors heading into space.