Sunday 24 October 2010

Full moon

A few years ago I came across an interesting piece regarding the full moon and its effect on people.
Not everyone of course, but more significantly those with a learning difficulty.
At the time of the full moon this category of person can experience sleep problems and an increase in hyper activity.

When I read it I was sceptical. But, due to my OCD I had to track his ups and downs and chart it to the waxing and waning moon.
And low and behold there appeared a pattern.

His sleeping has always been sporadic at night, going from only having 3 hours to a full 8 hours but on every full moon he was restless in the day far more, and demanded more of the repetitive words be repeated back to him ('brush your teeth' being the favourite still now) and could not settle at night until around midnight, no matter how much exercise he has incurred during the day.
He would be up at the end of the first sleep cycle and pace around, making his noises and just not being able to sit still.

There are as many articles out there to contradict this finding though.

But, it fits the pattern.
And I now prepare for the full moon and J.

I have mentioned here and most probably before in previous posts that J has words or phrases he says over and over again, and he needs them to be repeated back to him, otherwise he becomes very agitated and will progressively get louder and louder and intersperse it with crying, self hitting, attention seeking behaviour such as knocking photo frames off of the mantle and screams.
All of the following have been said by him -
*Brush your teeth
*M (a girls name from his school but I am keeping the privacy option here )
*Why seddy bear, yessy yessy

These are his top four and can be said daily by him.
All you have to do is to repeat the word or phrase back to him. Simple. He is placated and happy.
If only it was all that easy!