Thursday 23 December 2010

The case of the missing tooth

The Tooth Fairy has visited our house again, but has left empty handed.
J has lost his seventh tooth as of yesterday, but as with teeth numbers three,four,five and six, I have no idea where it went.
The first two teeth were lost at school and given to me wrapped in tissue by the teacher.
Thereafter they have fallen out, sometimes with a lot of screaming and crying from J, but when I try to retrieve them they have dissapeared.
I search through the bathroom bin and surrounding areas but never find a tooth.
Maybe he swallows it, or flushes it away.
And because he has no understanding of the Tooth Fairy, the mystery of leaving a tooth under a pillow in return for money is completely lost on him.
I did'nt even realise he had lost another tooth, until that gappy smile was flashed in my direction and I spotted it.
He did'nt make a fuss, cry or scream - all indicators that something is wrong with him and makes me sprint to his location to try to assess the problem and cause for the screaming, and to make it better for him.
So, somewhere, floating down a sewerage pipe , or making its way to the sea, is my boys top tooth. I wonder if the Tooth Fairy will find it and leave money in lieu?