Thursday 30 December 2010

Thank you to my friends

Well as it is nearly the end of 2010 I feel it only right to make a few comments about the people I have had the fortune to be friends with over this year, sharing the good times, laughing, and being supported by.

Firstly there is a very wonderful lady by the initial of A. We met via a website called 'GonetooSoon'. During a rough time for me after losing baby C, A became a person in my life, who by just leaving little messages and kind words, helped me though that sad time.
We built up a friendship and then through Facebook we were able to converse much easierly (is that a word?). Even today, eighteen months on, A is still so very kind. There are very few people in this world with whom I would sing the praises of, but A is one of them. A very spiritual lady, a Grandma several times over, with a love of animals.]
Thank you A for always being able to say the right thing and making the hard times a little easier.

Another person with whom I think needs to be recognised is J, my J's old (not in the age sense!) support teacher assistant. Another woman who has kindness running through her veins. A naturally warm and friendly lady who had my J calling her name at home all the time when she worked with him. I have met many support staff over the years but J is head and shoulders above them all.

There are two women with whom I share a bond with as our babies were all born within seven days of each other. We went through all the pregnancy niggles together, the newborn stage, the worries. They supported me when I became concerned about W's eyes. They accept it is hard for me to do the sociable things when J is about and adapt to help me.

There is the network of mums from J's school who are always available for a moan or to share happy or funny stories with. They understand first hand the trials of being a mum to a special needs child and do not judge.

There have been certains online mum friends with whom I have had the pleasure of going through their own journies into pregnancy and birth, sharing ups and downs and having that kind of support where sometimes it is just easier to type it down to friends you have never met in real life. Even though I now rarely use the forums we used to talk via, I still have the important ones as my friends on Facebook, so we can keep in touch and share our stories.

I have met some new friends via other friends and have found a common ground (and love of Farmville!). Thank you for the acceptance and the kindness.

Now I have not mentioned yet the females of my family, namely my mother and my mother in law. If I don't I am sure to hear about it! But, when I see them, speak to them and share with them my family, they should know how important they are and not need a blog to tell them so. But just in case I get vilified for it here it is - THANK YOU!

I hope 2011 brings all my friends happiness and joy, good health and wealth.
I am not going out to celebrate the New Years Eve, but when I have my three boys here I don't need to. I will have my Baileys, choccie and rubbish TV to keep me company and the love of my children to see us into the New Year. I don't need party poppers, cheese on a stick, and Auld Lang Syne to realise how lucky I am!
Whatever you are doing I wish you all a very Happy New Year! XxXxX