Monday 21 March 2011

The Vase and the Wee

Do you remember me blogging about J and his inapropriate weeing?
In the garden and on the landing carpet? Not the complete missing of the toilet bowl though.
Well the other day I saw something but did'nt really put two and two together.
I called J down stairs and he walked over to the tall but empty floor vase we have by the front door. It stands at a round a metre high off of the floor.
He goes to touch his private area and I tell him "hands off" - he is touching himself a lot recently and may well be puberty starting.
Fast forward to this morning and I am standing by the front door talking on the phone when I can smell urine.
I look down and see liquid floating in the vase. I move it slightly and there is liquid under as well.
It is most definately urine.
So he has now started using this as a toilet? I hope not!
There will be a 'talk' later ; me telling him "no J" as I point to the vase, "no wee wee". He will repeat back to me "Noooooo J" and let us hope that is the end of that.