Tuesday 20 September 2011

Diet cola ban

Still no news on the results for J's genetic tests.
The wait is driving me mad!
The melatonin is still working its miracle even though I am not using it every night on him. He does seem a lot calmer at night with a lot less pacing, muttering, screaming and head banging.
I have also cut out his diet cola.
This is a big thing for him.
Many previous blogs state his "cola cola cola" pleas and I have taken a stand and said no more. If he is to have some it will always be the caffeine and sugar free variety and that is only on special occasions.
Don't get me wrong, he was not drinking bottles of the stuff daily but he did like it and did get it more than an average child. Bad habit I know and one that has stopped.
There is much "cola cola cola" requesting going on but I have not given in.