Saturday 3 September 2011

The twiddler embarrassment.

Okay embarrassing story time....

The other day I took J to Boots the chemist. We parked in a retail park and only had a short walk to the shop door.

However on that very short walk J managed to do something very embarrassing that got a shocked look from a very yummy mummy and her very expensively dressed daughters.

J has been a nipple twiddler for a few years now.
He favours his left nipple and has made it almost deformed and is permanently enlarged. The GP and the paediatricians are not concerned by it, but it does look odd, and I am always telling him to "let go". He seems to do it with a smirk on his face too, which I do admit makes me cringe.

As far as I am aware he has only confined this behaviour to the home.

But then he goes and does what I will explain next, and it was the single most embarrassing event since he pulled his trousers and pants down to look at his willy and pick his bottom in Burger King right next to a couple eating their meal.

I was pushing the pushchair with W in and J was walking alongside me, behaving and walking very well, or so I thought....
I become aware of this yummy mummy, all tight designer jeans and bedecked in a fine array of jewellery, staring at us.
I look to my right and there is J, tee shirt pulled right up under his chin, nipple twiddling away and smirking.
I half yell half hiss at him to pull his top down, which he does.
But the image of this giant sized 9 year old, playing with his nipple, smirking, will forever be burned into that woman and perhaps her darling daughters minds forever.

So, if the lady in question ever gets  to read this (which is highly unlikely but anyhoo), then I apologise to you and your girls, but these things happen, and I too am hoping it never happens again.