Sunday 30 October 2011

Stress and upset

What a funny week we have had.
We went away again to the holiday home and it was very eventful.
From what happened I am going to investigate as to how I go about having an ADHD assesment carried out on J.
It has come to the point where I can no longer just use the excuse that autism has this huge 'umbrella' of traits and that his manic behaviours and wild antics are a part of that. I do believe he has ADHD as well.
The whole of the half term was filled with him shouting his phrases out, head banging everything and anything (such as when we were on a walk he would stop, kneel on the ground and head bang that), picking his bottom so much that he stank and his clothes stank and I was having to shower him  several times a day and change his clothes. When he bottom picks he then sticks his fingers up his nose, in his mouth and wipes it over his clothes.
Stealing food and gorging to excess (the holiday home has an open plan kitchen so I am unable to lock everything away).
We had a rather bad experience in Sainsburys as well.
He was flapping, head banging the till counter, spitting at the conveyor belt, picking his nose and putting his fingers straight in his mouth, yelling for food he wanted and basically making it so awful for all of us.
He was behaving this badly because he had people staring at him and commenting.
When he was only hand flapping he was fairly calm, but then the stares started, and contrary to what I have said before in this blog, I now believe he is aware that people are staring at him even if he does not make it known that he acknowledges it as such.
I have noticed lately that when there are strange people around, he begins to really over act in his behaviours, as if he is back lashing against society and their expectations.

To break slightly, as I was typing the above, J head banged one of the glass panes in the door that leads from the playroom into the third room/extension downstairs. I have just spent 20 minutes cleaning up the shards from the floor and cardboard and taping up the hole left by the broken glass. This now takes this door to two broken panes (he did the first one a while ago which I blogged about) and two cereal box coverings both from J and his headbanging.
I am waiting to have the panes replaced so am having to live with the look of shabbyness.

So, back to the orininal reason for this blog...

The people in Sainsburys were rude and so nasty. The three men queuing behind us could not be bothered to look elsewhere and so choose to continue to stare.
The father and his three precious princesses who were fresh from horse riding with their jodpurs, boots and mud stained logo emblazoned sweat tops, were opposite us on the next till.
Princess number 1 and princess number 2 just stared. Stared and stared. Now these two girls were definately in their teens, so not young enough to not know better.
Princess number 3 looked but sneakily. And the father? Well he stared from his pot bellied frame and did'nt attempt to reign in his staring daughters.
The till lady was giving a tortoise a run for his money in her skills at speed and efficency.
She knew full what was going on, but took it upon herself to scan each item as if it were a bomb about to detonate unless carefully passed through the scanner.
It was bloody awful. It made me realise that I actually do hate a lot of society. Nasty, judgemental idiots.

And now on to Ricky Gervais from my previous blog entry.
He has now apologised. There have been many eloquent blogs about this man and his 'mong' abuse and my entry pales into insignificance when I read those, but my point was made, albeit short and succint.
Sadly the 'mong' abuse from those in society that never used it before, but now think it highly amusing will continue. Continue until they latch on to some other campaign of abuse via the internet, where they can keep themselves safe behind their phone/laptop/computer screen and keep their vitriol up to mass proportions.

A few hours after posting this, J head banged again and smashed another pane of glass. So three in total now. It is really really getting me down.