Wednesday, 12 December 2012

School Photo Shame

I had the most ridiculous school photo back for J the other day.
He looks awful. He is pulling his head back and creating a massive double chin look, baring his top front teeth like a rabbit ( he does'nt have prominant front teeth to start with), and frankly looks like a fool.
Is this the best the 'professional' photographer could do?!
My toddler could get him to pose better than that.
I wonder if the photographer just presumed that because they were at a special needs school the children were unable to smile or pose correctly. Wrong!
It is an insult to me.
It is an insult to J.

This was his last photo at this school, as he is moving up to secondary special school.
It had importance to me, a milestone.
The cost of school photos are always ridiculous, so you would expect the photographer to be embarrassed by their work, and would want to capture a wonderful image, not a complete hash. Do they really believe I would spend money on their work?

I have a fair few photos of my children adorning the house, and they are all taken by me. I do also display the two most recent school photos, so it's a shame that his last year cannot be hung up.

I have thought about contacting the photographers directly, but to be honest, if this is the quality of their high priced work, I'd be better off giving my Iphone camera to my toddler, and let him snap a proper masterpiece.