Sunday, 9 December 2012

Poorly Boy

J has just got over another illness.
I received a text message from the school stating there was a lot of illness going around, and many staff were off sick.
I telephoned and enquired what the actual illness appeared to be. The reason I did this was because J can't tell me what hurts or how he feels. I like to be informed, so I can be prepared.
It was a good job really, as around midnight I heard him being sick. Thankfully he still does it in the bath, so it is not spread everywhere and is easy to clean.

My poor boy spent the night waking up, wretching, and moaning.
The next day he slept for the most, only waking to wretch or go to the toilet.
He is very good at helping himself when ill, and I left him a cup and some water. He sipped away at it, and took it slowly.

The following day he woke with his usual chirpiness, singing away, and wanting to eat breakfast. I monitored him, but he kept it down, and apart from having dark circles under his eyes, he was back to his normal self. Phew!