Friday 19 July 2013

The New School Looms Ever Closer

I was doing okay. I managed to get through J's Leavers Assembly with no tears.
I felt I was 'there', ready and accepting that he is moving up to secondary school.

Last night I went along to a parents evening introduction at the new school. It was a chance to meet the teachers, and learn about how the curriculum is tailored towards the individual special needs of the children.
I had an in depth chat with the art teacher, and am extremely pleased that they have art club at lunch break. I imparted my hope of J being given lots of opportunities to explore different art mediums, and to develop his expression from within his silent world.
The art teacher even recognised our unusual family surname and linked it to a famous artist - distant relation. That impressed me!
As J's grandfather was a talented artist as well, more modern art than traditional, I do wonder if the talent has passed through the genes.

As I drove home from the meeting, I began to feel sad. Sad that my little boy is now a young man. I did however stop the maudlin and take myself back to the positive mum I like being. I presumed that was my wobble and it had passed.....

Today however, J came home with a goody bag. It had a certificate of his 'graduation' from his primary school, some photos, a memento t shirt, and a lovely black, leather bound autograph book, embossed with the school name, on the front.
Inside, the pages were filled with messages, and good lucks, for him, from the staff. All were so lovely, and many incredibly poignant.
And that was it. That's what finally brought the tears.
My Boy has made such an impression at that school. The close knit, loving environment he has been cosseted within, is no more.
I know he needs to move up, to be given more challenges and experiences. But it is so sad for me. Not for him though ; He will adapt so quickly, and settle well, that I trust.

He is growing up.

A new chapter will begin. And of course I shall be blogging all about it!