Thursday 12 September 2013

His Second Week at the New School

J is loving his new school.
He bounces around in the morning, dressed and ready well before the school bus is due to collect him.
Upon his return he is giggly, laughing, and full of cheer.
It is true what someone from his old school said ; that he is ready for the next stage in his education, and needs more challenges.

There has been one incident so far, as documented in his 'home / school' record book. Apparently he was repeating a fellow pupil's name over and again, and the other pupil became angry at him for doing so. J was put in to a 'time out'.
I am kind of stuck, wanting to remind the teacher that J does have repetitive speech. It is a comfort to him, albeit a nuisance for others.
If he latches onto a new word that gives him sensory enjoyment, it is hard to stop him repeating it.
He also becomes stressed if his process of saying the word is disrupted.
As this is a special needs school, it surprises me that the teacher was so abrupt with him, and in her message to me in the book.

I will just have to let it ride, as I do not want to be 'that parent'. Plus, J is happy. He probably has no idea about the incident being inappropriate, and the need to not repeat a word that is annoying someone else.