Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Finally Back and Ready to Blog!

Wow, it's been a long, long time since I last posted here.
I had no laptop or computer to use, and it is very hard to write a post using an iPad. I like the traditional keyboard to type on, and it's awkward on the iPad.
As you can imagine, life has been full on, with many stories I will be adding to here.
J is still a happy chap. He's 12 and a half, and now measures 5ft 9ins - my height! He's doing really well at school, and all traces of the bad start with his first teacher have been removed. He sings happily as he walks down to the school bus, and loves to get his lunch box ready for the next day.
Thank you for the emails over the last few months, they have been lovely. It's so good to hear from you, your stories, and what you've found interesting in this blog.
I still won't use advertising on here, so there is no annoying boxes urging you to click on them. This is just a place for me to write about my life with my son who has autism, and other non specific learning difficulties.

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Ours was quiet, with plenty of happy family times. J received a bubble wall tower, and it sits in the living room for us all to share. It was meant for his bedroom, but I got excited about building it, and then went out to find some distilled water - you can use tap water, but it goes slimy and stale quite quickly, and distilled is recommended by the manufacturer.  After filling it up with around 12 litres of water, having a run through with the remote control, checking the lights and bubbles, I remembered that I actually needed to have it upstairs in his bedroom. It was heavy even before I had built it and filled it with water, and it was not feasible at all for me to even attempt to carry it afterwards. Not one of my brightest moments!

                                                This is the stock image of the bubble tower.

Below are two images from our own bubble tower in action.
There are lots of colours it moves through, and there are fish that move up and down with the bubbles.