Saturday 26 May 2018

I Have To Apologise

I have to apologise. Apologise for being absent for so long from this blog. I've not been absent from your emails, but finding the time, and inclination to write on here has been hard. 
Life with three children is pretty full on as it is, but when two of them have special needs, and the other is a rising teenager, it is full of new challenges that I am adapting to.

A lot has happened personally to us as well, but as this blog is read by anyone and everyone, I am inclined not to share most of this with you on here, as it can be read by people with a personal agenda, and you know I am all about privacy - I am not the kind of blogger that posts photo upon photo of my children, and hundreds of 'selfies' of myself, and I never reveal names. That's just my style, and I will stick with that.

I may write further about what I'm about to tell you, but for now I will be keeping it brief. 
J has been experiencing 'episodes' of falling unconscious, with no warning. These episodes last around 20-30 minutes each time, and he is fully out of it. His breathing is heavy and gravelly, and there is nothing that will rouse him. The first episode was terrifying, as I heard a loud BANG and then this loud snoring noise. I went to investigate, and found J on the bathroom floor, head wedged under the radiator, breathing as I wrote above, and I panicked, thinking he was dying. The ambulance came within minutes, and stabilised him. He had another episode early the next morning, and during that one, he chewed the whole of the left side of his tongue, which was bleeding heavily, and damaged for weeks. A few tests were carried out at the hospital, but as he has his learning difficulties, they could not perform an EEG, as he isn't able to remain stock still for at least half an hour. 
To sum up ( as I said I would keep it brief!), he has had many more of these episodes, the epilepsy specialist does not believe he has epilepsy, as his body does not 'jerk' or move at all when unconscious. 
J will be having an MRI under general anaesthetic in a few weeks time, to see if there is anything going on in his brain, that could be causing this. 

I will try to post more on here, as I know my old posts are still shared and talked about, and when you visit here, you see I've not been active for a long time. I never thought I would be so slack about my blog, but that's life, and if you knew what I've had to deal with personally, you'd understand wholeheartedly, but I am slowly regaining my zest for trying to make a difference in the world of special needs. 

Thank you for sticking with me.