Friday 4 March 2011

Do we have it too?

Do you have a quirk?
A little thing that you do. That you have to do?
A routine?
I was once told by a pshycologist that nearly all humans display some form of spectrum behaviour.

My quirks, (plural I hasten to add) involve food, numbers and placing.

I have favourite foods. I tend to be quite boring and stick to them. I am not adventurous when cooking for myself, but will be flamboyant when cooking for others, almost compensating for my lack of eating motivation.
I am not a skinny minnie though. I do eat the wrong foods and coupled with a severely under active thyroid for which I take a lot of medicines for I am never going to be a size zero (but who wants to be truthfully? - bones and cold skin with veins popping through is not attractive in my opinion).

I like the number five and will purposefully count that number out when doing something or dividing up shares.

Placing involves me always having to have the plate on the far right! Very weird, but very true. And yes, if I am given a plate from the side (with the food dished up on it ready to take to the table) that is not the far right I get quite agitated.
My hubby knows this and it is second nature for him now.

I do find it hard in social settings. I am a very self concious person and perceptive of others and their opinions and body language. I sometimes feel I should keep quiet as I am not sure if I will fit in and don't want to be made fun of or ignored.

At school I had to finish my homework ASAP. Sometimes I would complete the morning work during the lunch hour and it was quite common for me to complete the set class work and be told to go onto my homework as I had so much time left before class ended. I also did not have to take part in P.E during secondary school as I have fallen arches on my feet which cause muscle spasms and my feet seize up making even walking hard. I had years of physio, drugs, injections into the soles of my feet (very painfull indeed), built in steps into my shoes and plaster casts made of my foot shape. I used this free time to study.
If I still had some left over I had to finish it the second I was home. I just could not relax until it was done.

I may have slight traits. Or I may just be odd. But at least I have accepted my weirdness and embraced it!