Friday 5 July 2013

The Last Award Assembly at School and an Impromptu Comedic Performance

My Boy has such a character about him.
Today at school, he received an award for excellent work during this week. Each class has one child that receives this 'award', and Friday afternoon they have a special assembly.
The reward is not anything literal, it is just a chance for the child to place their photo on the excellence tree.

Over the years at this school, J has progressed from disliking assembly time, to loving it.
In the beginning he took no interest in the award part, and would stand up in front of the others, looking vacantly around.
Today was the last time he would receive this award, at this school, due to him transitioning to special education secondary school.

I am pondering as to whether he understands that he is leaving the current school, due to him visiting the new school regularly over the last few weeks, and so took it upon himself to give everyone a farewell memory of him.
When his class teacher held the mic to talk to us all about why he was receiving the award, he was dancing about. Then, when she had almost finished speaking, he took hold of the mic and began to do his noises and phrases that he does when he's happy. It was so funny to see and hear, and staff and children laughed at his comedy performance. He's never done that before, which is why I am thinking he knows he's leaving.

J knows how to leave an impression!